August 2, 2011

Student Driver knocks a five foot hole into DMV office wall

    Last week the Sac Bee wrote an article about a student driver mistaking the gas pedal for the brakes and rammed into the Roseville DMV office wall.

“You may chuckle. The DMV isn’t. This is the third time in recent years a rookie driver has hit and damaged a field office, DMV spokesman Mike Marando said.

We can guess what’s happening. Parents and driving schools sometimes take student drivers to the local DMV office after-hours as part of a dry run for their upcoming driving exam.

Marando said the DMV discourages people from using its property for practice – and will seek reimbursement from anyone who damages property.

It brings up another question: Is it right for a driving school to take students for practice drives on suspected DMV driver test routes?

Local driving school owner Henning Mortenson says no way, that’s plain cheating. DMV’s Marando, however, says the agency doesn’t really mind. Each field office has several test routes, he said, so a student can’t be sure which route he will be told to take.

But Marando has a warning for teens and parents who sometimes take the driving exam at a field office away from their neighborhood on the belief that the test is easier to pass.

It may not be true, if it takes you to an unfamiliar area where the streets are designed a little differently from those you’re accustomed to driving.”

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