June 6, 2011

Rural areas keep ‘crash’ tax

Sacramento and Roseville killed “crash taxes” earlier this year amid political push-back, but small towns and rural fire districts across the region still have the controversial emergency-recovery fees in place.

Fire departments, especially those along the Interstate 80 and Highway 50 corridors, continue to bill out-of-town motorists when crews respond to accidents.

Some fire officials say the fees, which range from about $400 to $2,500, are an important source of extra income in tough times and haven’t resulted in political strife, as they did in Sacramento.

Critics in the capital said the fees targeting out-of-towners would hurt business and tourism, and had angered neighboring localities.

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/06/3679143/rural-fire-departments-not-letting.html#ixzz1OVaaCxfM

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