June 28, 2011

Folsom Lake Parking

Wishing you a great Independence Day!  Here is an article from the Sacramento Bee about getting to Folsom Lake early if you want a parking space.

Folsom Lake Full for Memorial Day

 By Bill Lindelof
With Folsom Lake nearly filled to the brim, parking spaces at many of the popular beaches and boating spots will be at a premium this Fourth of July weekend.

State park and marina managers are recommending that anyone coming to the lake arrive early because many parking spaces are under water. Submerged parking means that some spots, such as Brown’s Ravine and Granite Bay, will be closed early due to a lack of parking spaces for visitors.

Water is high, blue and clean. But parking spaces will go fast at the Folsom Lake Marina at Brown’s Ravine where 675 boats were in the slips.

“It’s a good year,” said Ken Christensen, marina manager. “We have the warm temperature and water is up real good. We are packed every weekend. I recommend that people come early and with patience. With the lake about four feet from the top, we lose a lot of parking when the lake gets up high.”

Read more: http://www.sacbee.com/2011/06/28/3733333/folsom-lake-parking-at-premium.html#ixzz1QbXs2eRV

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