January 24, 2012

Another New Facebook Scam

Cliff Cottam Insurance Services is happy to pass along this facebook scam article to our clients.  It is written by  of Butterfly Networking.  As always, we not only want to help you protect your cars, homes, and businesses, but keep you safe online too.  Thank you Carla for this important article.


“I just received a chat message from someone I know on Facebook.  The chat said I had been reported as a bad guy & needed to reconfirm my information.  I immediately thought “what in the world had someone taken offense to?”

AND off I went to “fix it”

Luckily as I was half way through my reconfirming my information I stopped and
really took a look at the site I was about to provide my information to.

Thank goodness I did! Because it’s new Facebook Scam!!

Here is a screen shot of my FaceBook profile”


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